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The Importance of the Ending

Updated: Feb 12, 2021

We all know that how things turn out in the end makes waiting worth the effort or not. Moving from the mundane to the very important, a few nights ago Vicki and I were watching a British mystery on Netflix and were captivated by the suspense. The drama, narrative, and acting were superb. We couldn’t wait for the final episode to see who was really the victim of a crime and who perpetrated it. We watched the ending, looked at one another and said at the same time, “What? That is a terrible way to end a movie.” The ending was so bad that it was anticlimactic compared to the tension before-hand.

After we read novels, we aren’t sure of the importance of some works until the very end. I know that some people will read the ending first as they can’t wait for closure to occur. Others absolutely refuse to know an ending and pay strict attention to “spoiler alert”. The theme that holds my memoir together doesn’t appear until the last few pages of the book. It surprised some who read it.

I know some authors who actually write the ending first and then work the entire novel toward that ending.

I think you know where this post is going after a week of waiting for something very important. Think how badly we wanted to know the result of all of the political elections particularly the election for the President of the United States.

In these days of ending we need to quickly consider beginnings and pray for the hand of God in the work ahead. In the Book of Revelation, we hear the Lord God Almighty say, “I am the alpha and the omega – the beginning and the end.” (Rev. 22:13)

We have work to do as a nation as the world watches. President Elect Biden said “That is not who we are. We are better than that.” There are many including the Black Community who have said, “No we are not better than that. Racism prevails!”. We are a nation divided. That is one of the important lessons that we have shown rather graphically to our global neighbors. We are not that city on a hill that President Reagan said to describe us. We need to climb up!

We won’t have time to savor this ending for we have too many challenges in front of us. I am mindful of T. S Eliot’s words, “What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.” It will take the spirit of the living Lord and God to empower us in our new start toward a greater ending.

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