We have entered the final days of the election campaign. All of us are weary of the many requests for money and constant adds to watch on TV. Trump has chosen to include a gimmick of being the guy at MacDonalds who is responsible for the fries. It was meant to embarrass Harris in the same way as when he kept the lie alive of Obama’s place of birth being out of this country. It demeans the person on the other side of his well-placed lie. MacDonalds? It was a gimmick for the ages because nothing could be further from his reality. No crude gesture during these final days seems to top the previous one. Now he is talking about Arnold Palmer’s genitalia. Palmer’s daughter said that he couldn’t stand Trump.
He could have used the MacDonald’s image to support a raise in the minimum wage, but the cruel irony that the billionaire used that venue to fail to support any increase in the $7.50 wage wasn’t lost on many. I am not the first to see that the fries are emblematic of his lies along with behavior that has become increasingly worse and divisive. It is fascinating that his allies jump quickly to explain away his recent offense and boorish behavior. Those actions are the ones that Trump wants us to remember as we go to the polls no matter what his allies say. Never forget that he is an entertainer first. He is all style and little substance. He never indicates how he will accomplish his various policies that could easily be seen as fascism. No price tags are attached, just word salads!
I would like to see a segment on the airwaves where we see Trump walking a dog. He doesn’t have one because dogs require care. However, he did eat McDonalds food, but I think that one more gimmick would reflect the inner character of both Harris and Trump. Let’s catch them both on camera walking a dog down the street. Why? I have Sadie on my mind as I just returned from taking her to the Vet for two shots she needed, and Vicki just left to walk her as she is the person who usually does that. When I walk her, I have noticed that sometimes I pull her along from her numerous stops where she is trying to get the smell of a dog who has been there before. Vicki, on the other hand, gives her plenty of time to enjoy sniffing out other dogs who have passed on from there.
We were at a dinner party recently when one of my friends who was a guest offered an interesting observation as someone whose life’s work is now in the field of mindfulness meditation.
He observed that when he was out walking his dog, like me, sometimes found himself pulling the dog along instead of spending time to allow the dog to frequently smell the odors the dog found. Vicki went on to say that walking a dog was like looking at the dog’s Facebook encounter as he explores the “site” of a former dog along life’s way. My friend raised the question to himself and now to me, “Who is the walk for, me or the dog?”
My belief that what would make a great add for Kamala Harris would be to have Trump and she walk a dog to see how each would behave. Trump’s self-centeredness would come shining through as he would be pulling the dog along to beat Kamala to a misplaced goal. Kamala would be giving her dog the opportunity to enjoy sniffing the various odors of democracy that they frequently come across. Don’t underestimate the power of a dog’s senses. If I open a bag of popcorn in one end of the house, Sadie is right there shaking off the sleep that she was enjoying. She sees things that we can’t see including deer in our backyard which is next to a woods when it is dark as she darts off scare them away. She has a highly developed sense of taste. Her hearing is amazing. She can hear that words “walk” or “treat” or “eat” from anywhere in the house, no matter how softly we whisper.
Harris knows the right answer to the question, “Who is the walk for?”, the caption would read. One of these two candidates knows why she/he is running for the office of President. She is running for the benefit of the nation so that we may all enjoy the pleasant smells of our democracy. The other candidate believes the walk is all about power, prestige, and staying out of prison and not what’s best for the people to smell democracy and freedom on our collective walk to locate our motivation to keep freedom alive.
The final caption should read: “Trump would not pass the sniff test.”